
We create sustainable villages and communities through tree planting and tree growing for climate change mitigation and adaptation.

This helps in a multiple ways:

  1. While growing, trees actively it captures CO² and mitigate the effects of climate change. Agroforestry systems yield strategies for long-term carbon sequestration, soil enrichment, biodiversity conservation, and air & water quality improvements, benefiting both the farmers and society.
  2. Planting trees between crops reduces soil erosion – their roots bind the soil in place so that it doesn’t wash awash during heavy rain or strong wind, which can otherwise cause huge problems for farmers.  They also take up water, preventing water pollution from reaching our ponds and rivers. Tree root systems also keep water from evaporating.
  3. Trees make shadows and protect plants from winds, stabilizing the microclimate on the farm and making it more convenient for growing plants. It optimize positive interactions, such as mutualism and commensalism, and to minimize predation on crops and livestock and competition within and between species

We provide saplings, consultancy, and education on growing trees to farmers. Our extension workers visit project participants regularly to track the tree-growing progress and to answer the participant's questions. One of the project's aim is to help farmers reach a high survival rate for their trees.

Current results

By the December 1st, 2022

Trees planted
Farms involved

Benefits of growing trees

Trees act as windbreakers which prevents soil erosion.

Trees seedlings supplied by our teams are Grevillea robusta,Melia azedarach, Maesopsis eminii, and Casuarina equisetifolia for Bungoma and Busia counties species, which helps hold soils to avoid water runoff and being blown by the wind.

Trees also increase soil fertility since some trees, such as Grevillea robusta, induce nitrogen into the soil. Also, when their leaves fall off on the ground. Leaves are rich in nitrogen and, decomposed on the ground, bring nitrogen into the soil.

Benefits of old trees

When the tree ages, it will be cut down and transformed into a stable form of CO² locking — biochar. The biochar will be spread over the farm, so the carbon is locked in the soil for thousands of years.

Trees can also serve as fuel for warming schools and other sensitive things in the case of extreme weather conditions, which is an edge case, but it can save lives.

Join the project!

Anyone can join the project. Just call or message us and schedule seeds and saplings delivery. As well you can have just a consultancy.

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