Biochar Production


Biochar is a carbon-rich material produced from biomass through pyrolysis in a low-oxygen environment at temperatures between 300 and 1,000°CBiochar also plays a crucial role in carbon sequestration, helping mitigate climate change by storing carbon in a stable form for up to 1000 years.


  1. Improving water holding capacity
    a. The larger surface area of biochar allows it to hold more water per unit volume of soil while the porous structure of biochar helps improve water retention.
    b. Drought mitigation: By retaining water, biochar helps to buffer crops against drought, supporting plant health and productivity.
  2. Enhancing nutrient retention.
    Biochar acts as a sponge for nutrients, preventing them from leaching away and making them available to plants over a longer duration.
  3. Reducing fertilizer needs.
    Using biochar blended fertilizer can lower the overall cost of farming inputs by decreasing the dependence on chemical fertilizers.

Our Activities

  1. Farmers Training and Sensitization: We conduct group training sessions to educate farmers about biochar, including its production and application in the soil.
  2. Biochar Production: Utilizing Kon -Tiki kilns, we transform collected biomass into biochar.
  3. Biochar-Manure Blend .We mix biochar with manure to create a potent soil amendment.
  4. Local Engagement: Community engagement is crucial for us.  We also  collaborate with other stakeholders, such as farmer cooperatives and the Kenya Forestry Research Institute.
  5. Field Applications: Establishing experimental fields for biochar treatment.
  6. Technological Integration: Employing AI-driven carbon capture cubes and the PlantVillage App for optimized biochar application and monitoring.

Team Objectives

  1. Carbon Sequestration: Sequester approximately 10000 CO2eq in the first five years.
  2. Soil Quality Improvement: Enhance soil pH, water retention, and nutrient storage through biochar application.

Feedstock for biochar production:

Feedstock is organic material you burn to make biochar

  • Corn stover/cobs
  • Coconut husks
  • Tree Pruning's, Bamboo and tea pruning's
  • Bagasse
  • Invasive Weeds: Prosopis juliflora ( Alt. name Mathenge)

Current results

By the June, 2024

Tonnes  Produced and Supplied
Acres of invasive weed cleared  in Baringo
Acres of Grass Planted


  1. Provision of employment opportunities to the local community who work to produce biochar thus improve their livelihoods
  2. Fabrication of multiple kilns for biochar production
  3. Application of biochar in planting of trees 
  4. 1000 experimental fields with biochar treatment

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